Discover firsthand accounts of real Fairway customers who have utilized reverse mortgage loans to navigate various financial scenarios in retirement. Watch these quick videos to gain insights into how reverse mortgages can address challenges and unlock opportunities in retirement planning.

Retirement is often seen as a period of fulfillment, yet many retirees encounter financial challenges. Enter the HECM line of credit (HECM LOC), a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM, reverse mortgage) loan feature designed to provide older homeowners with a versatile contingency fund.

If you’re looking to empower your retirement with a reverse mortgage loan, the process may seem a little confusing at first glance. Knowing what’s coming, being prepared and having an excellent lending team behind you helps ensure a smooth borrowing journey with less stress.

If you’re looking to empower your retirement with a reverse mortgage loan, the process may seem a little confusing at first glance. Knowing what’s coming, being prepared and having an excellent lending team behind you helps ensure a smooth borrowing journey with less stress.

The Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) for Purchase (H4P) loan is specifically designed for homebuyers 62 and older, offering a distinct set of advantages bridging the gap between cash purchases and traditional mortgages.

In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of reverse mortgages and examine common ways older-adult homeowners are leveraging this powerful financial solution.

We recently had the privilege of being the lead sponsor for NAIFA-Texas 2024 Annual State Conference in Clear Lake, Texas. The true highlight for me was our involvement in a deeply meaningful way to support one of our veterans.

Whether it’s surging living costs, healthcare expenses or insurance premiums, many adult children are anxious about their parents’ economic stability. By diversifying home equity, senior homeowners may be better equipped to manage risks, like spending surprises and inflation, throughout retirement.

Hear our customers talk about their journeys with reverse mortgage loans. Although each has unique circumstances, they all shared something in common —
their reverse mortgage loan made an already sound retirement strategy even better.

Let’s start off 2024 with some good news. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) increased the maximum claim amount on the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM). Read on to find out what that could mean for you or your clients.